WINM Forums :: The Films of Keanu Reeves :: 47 Ronin

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47 Ronin
2014-02-07 02:42

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Well, at least it looks like Universal is supporting the Blu-Ray. I expect 47 Ronin will do very well indeed on DVD.
2014-02-20 03:40

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2014-02-20 04:07

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Thanks for the info LucaM!
2014-02-20 04:12

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you're welcome.

my DVD is pre-ordered already :)
it's a nice coincidence, it being released in spring.... think cherry blossom and Ako. beginning and end, circle complete....
2014-02-20 04:20

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Interview OK magazine...

Someone in the comments mentions the ring on his ringfinger as being the same one he was wearing in an interwiew with Jimmy Fallon in octobre. Anyone any ideas on where the ring came from?

2014-02-20 04:25

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Movie prop for John Wick - which he was filming at the time of both interview and Jimmy Fallon show.
2014-02-20 04:29

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Thanks LucaM. Guess he couldn't get it of anymore ;-)

The Jimmy Fallon show was hilarious by the way. I'll put a link here, although it was about MoTC.

2014-02-20 04:32

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naw, it's just the prankster in him ;)
he knew it would generate some traffic on certain webpages ;)
Anakin McFly
2014-02-20 12:55


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He's getting good at trolling. Mr Reeves is not so innocent any more. :|
2014-02-20 23:59

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hey, fandom is educational :|
2014-02-24 08:28

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German Interviews,15184894,26012318.html


Chilean Interview

I found the links on mr-reeves

2014-03-05 23:33

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2014-03-06 01:24

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"Indeed, Keanu Reeves’ reserved-but-occasionally-intense style is perfect for his role as a half breed born of two worlds and raised in a third who’s just trying to be accepted by a society that doesn’t trust him."

2014-03-10 01:09

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2014-03-10 06:06

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He's getting good at trolling

Yep. Better than most suspect is my guess and not the kind of troll that study I posted on the forum a few days ago either.

naw, it's just the prankster in him ;) he knew it would generate some traffic on certain webpages


You can ring my bell...ring my bell...

2014-03-10 07:40

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Reeves? Hanging around the internets? I seriously doubt it.

But just in case, how the heck are ya, guy? Swell of you to drop in! :-)

I crack myself up.

2014-03-10 19:44

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:) @MmeRenard
2014-03-10 20:52

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Thanks, Nunu. On peering about yesterday, however, I may not be entirely correct in my assumption. Dude does own a phone, it may even be smart ;-)
2014-03-11 03:48

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Fun song and soo could have used a disco ball during my little jive! Lol!!

Can't say I understand the convo though, Keanu... Trolling ? Idk?! I could see someone trying to make people believe its Keanu but highly doubt it is.

2014-03-11 04:18

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Only pointing out the excessively obvious - if someone hangs out on the internet strongly hinting / inferring that they are Keanu, I suspect there's about a 150% chance that it's not Keanu. Hello? We've seen that nonsense elsewhere, it won't last three seconds here.
I do think it is possible, just barely possible, that he looks around sometimes when he's terminally bored. I suspect that that happens about once every thousand years or so (remember, he's immortal).
I can make excuses to myself that I don't need to do anything productive whilst I surf the internets, I really doubt that he has that character defect.

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