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47 Ronin
2012-06-20 04:12

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thanks nafsunaek!
2012-06-23 00:20

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This from a Brazilian site about release dates.

Hong Kong: February 7, 2013

Netherlands: February 7, 2013

New Zealand: February 7, 2013

Russia: February 7, 2013

Canada: February 8, 2013

Hungary: February 8, 2013

Ireland: February 8, 2013

Romania: February 8, 2013

Belgium: February 13, 2013

Denmark: February 28, 2013

2012-06-23 06:27

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It's very similar to the list that appears on IMBd, I think.
No release in Spain?? Makes me really sad ... :((
2012-07-07 00:57

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World War Z" and "Ronin" are both complex pictures with budgets of about $170 million. Conflicts on the sets of both movies caused their studios to bail on their original release dates and led to plans for reshoots in the fall, according to knowledgeable people who were not authorized to speak publicly.
Similarly, Universal had difficulties with its first-time feature director Carl Rinsch, and now plans to reshoot the ending and other sequences of "47 Ronin." The new filming is designed to beef up star Reeves' character and make the movie less of an ensemble piece.

...if this is more than gossip, it makes me sad.
They're ruining the movie, dammit ! I don't want another Tom Cruise's The Last Samurai. I want to see the movie Rinsch filmed.

Moments like this, I'm given yet another reason to be glad Reeves took up directing and producing. At least now he's in a better position to fight for his stories.

Anakin McFly
2012-07-07 22:45


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The new filming is designed to beef up star Reeves' character and make the movie less of an ensemble piece.

whaaaat. WHY

...ironically, I bet they're doing it for the benefit of "Keanu fans". :| Who are the ones complaining about it.

2012-07-07 22:59

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... or they're doing it based on the opinions gathered after the pre-screening. Eastwood is right when he doesn't allow the studios to test-screen his movies.

the whole thing is making me skeptical and sad.

2012-07-07 23:57

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It does sound a lot like a corporate attack on artistic integrity. Reeves ain't liking this if you ask me. But when your presence is so magical it must be easy for the studio's to want to maximize it.
2012-07-18 06:34

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2012-07-21 10:19

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Donaka is Reeves character's name in 47Ronin. I read it a
2012-07-21 13:13

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Isn't his name Kai in 47 Ronin?

Donaka could be his character's name in Man of Tai Chi though (especially since it's the director's chair it's displayed on).

2012-07-28 11:14

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Uploaded with [URL=][/URL]

2012-07-28 11:16

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@Joke, I just saw your post and yes it was MOTC that he is Donaka. Oy, what WAS i thinking?
I read that this chair will be in MOTC too!
2012-08-16 00:33

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So, if Universal initially moving "47 Ronin" from November 21st to February 8, 2013 was a sign that they lacked faith in the flick, is this next manuever an indication they have now big plans for this one with a restored belief? Indeed, you don't hand out holiday dates to just anything and the studio has now moved the Keanu Reeves led flick to Christmas Day 2013.

On the one hand, this movie wrapped a long, long time ago, but curiously, there was been zero official stills, posters or anything else. And with that February date six months away and still nothing, we suppose the writing was on the wall that it would be moved, but we didn't expect this. Now having another year long wait, it does give Universal the opportunity to get the word out and start a real campaign for the 3D movie, which is pretty ambitious as far as tentpole fare goes.

Outside of Reeves, the cast is mostly filled with lesser names (though Rinko Kikuchi will presumably have a larger profile after "Pacific Rim") in the Carl Erik Rinsch-directed film that tells the story of the titular 47 warriors who, following the forced seppuku (ritual suicide by disembowelment) of their master after assaulting a court official, seek revenge on those who caused his death. So yeah, a big budget samurai flick. We fully expect Universal to build up the buzz, and an appearance at Comic-Con next summer seems like an inevitability at this point.

2012-08-16 00:40

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I don't like waiting ten extra months for 47 Ronin. :-(

On the other hand, maybe they'll market it proper if it's going to be a Christmas movie.

2012-08-16 00:43

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... so it gets even worse.
oh well. que sera, sera.

2012-08-16 03:32

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From all the articles I read it just appears that the studio wants to maximize Reeves and I am all for that. If I was going to speculate...I would say that Rinsch bought into Reeves usual attitude about wanting to collaborate and just be one of the artists...
Christmas release is a major vote of confidence from the studio. Agree the waiting is tricky when you are a fan. But the story is timeless so it matters nothing in that respect.
2012-08-16 04:25

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I don't mind waiting; after all, we've waited almost two years for Scanner Darkly to be released. Or for Generation Um.
I do mind, though, when the suits are sacrificing the story to the box-office god. (Remember Johnny Mnemonic?) But if Universal wants to write and film their version of fan-fiction on their own money, who am I to say otherwise?
... I just wish we could see the original, too. As in the film Reeves signed in for in the first place.
Naive of me, I know.

2012-08-16 06:50

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I remember JM. I love JM. I am watching it now.:)

When so many people are involved with making a movie the way it turns out is part of the art. At least we wont get too much product placement with an ancient story like 47Ronin...or will we?

2012-08-17 00:12

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2012-08-17 06:45

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I want to see what Comic-Con crowd has to say about it (if they really are taking it to Comic-Con). Doesn't success at Comic-Con usually means success at the box office?

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