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Bits and snippets off the web
Bobby B2010-01-04 21:11

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....aaaaand they probably also resent him for looking better than them, as well as being intelligent and charming, and thus being much more likely to attract the interest of women. Which I bet those guys struggle with in their own lives. Chronically.

Seriously? Get over him. *heavy sarcasm* Yes, I hate him for being so damn pretty, smart, and charming (assuming you know that for certain). *heavy sarcasm*

He's an actor and I judge him for that. I don't care what he does off the screen. For all I know, he does seem like a decent dude, but as a fan of movies and quality acting, I do not enjoy him.

Anakin McFly
2010-01-04 22:20


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Hi Bobby; welcome to the site.

Sorry I don't share your (creepy?) obsession over Keanu Reeves , but talking poorly of me behind my back? Now that's sad...

Technically that's what everyone's been doing about Keanu, and in far worse terms.

Please refer to #1 of your comment guidelines. Thanks.

There has yet to be any overly-hostile comments on this thread. That guideline was written with certain people in mind, one of whom used to spam comments on the IMDb boards, a milder example of which is:

"incest for klm how do you think her kid got retarded got? was the father really klms daddy? i hear incest took place in that family. did klm do crack while preggo? as fkkked up as she sounds on this board i wouldn't be surprised. did her husband drop the dumb kid on it's head out of anger cuz klm never gets off the computer? all the above.
"oh daddy fk me hard, mom won't know she's still on the computer"

regarding another admittedly unpleasant poster who nonetheless did not deserve being spammed with pornographically incestuous accusations on a by-minute basis.

For all I know, he does seem like a decent dude, but as a fan of movies and quality acting, I do not enjoy him.

And you're more than entitled to that opinion, but so are we to ours, and there's no reason for you to declare your opinion somehow more factual than ours. I'm also a huge fan of movies (to the extent that I got shortlisted in the top 5 for a movie reviewer position out of over 1000 applicants; results in mid-Jan) and quality acting, and I do enjoy Keanu as an actor as well as a person.

So yeah, just as you don't like being assumed to be jealous of Keanu (which I personally don't consider a good assumption; it irks me when people use that same claim on, say, the Megan Fox boards, because it's perfectly possible to dislike someone without being jealous of them in any form), neither do we like being assumed to have poor taste in movies or acting just because we don't think he's the worst actor on the planet, or because we believe he's turned in more than one decent performance in his career.

2010-01-04 22:45

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What's behind your back Bobby B? You're here aren't you?

And of course you're welcome to your opinions about K's acting, everyone is - if you'd have taken the time to go through the web site (as opposed to just jumping into the forum - which is not the web site) you'd be aware of that ;).

I had hopes that perhaps you might be open minded enough to at least stop with the WinM bashing, that perhaps you might have come here to give the site a fair chance rather than simply to troll. Evidently I was wrong.

Not the first time, certainly won't be the last. It is unfortunate that you can't make the distinction between the WinM site, which is nearly purely informational (and actually entertaining) and this forum which is a separate thing, just happens to be hosted by this site, and is mostly fan chit chat (and is an unhealthy place for fish ;).

And I'm sorry if it displeases you to be called a sad fish, but within the dictates of the pond you are ;). You come here as a new member and bat out of the box have been purposely unpleasant on the forum. You've not gone through the site, and you've not taken the time to look over the forum and test it's mettle, as anyone with any survival instincts automatically does when approaching unknown territory out here in the ether (or anywhere else).

Creepy obsession with Keanu Reeves? Seriously? You don't like assumptions I'm sure, yet are good at making them it seems ;).

Oh, and by the way, welcome aboard :).

Bobby B2010-01-04 23:27

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First of all, I'm here because you took the time to visit my site... I won't stay long.

And I'm not making any statements of mine out to be more factual than your own. I said he sucks because that's my opinion, I shouldn't have to preface all my statements with "This is my opinion" as Seer so astutely pointed out in one his/her comments on my site.

In fact, it is you (with your website) that is making anyone who does not like Keanu feel like they are in the wrong. You love the guy, that's great. As I've said, time and time again, that's fine. I'm more than OK with whatever it is you get off to. But YOU are the people calling others out for not liking Keanu and from what I've read (and I've read enough of your website -- not just the forums) to know that you attack anyone who has a negative opinion of Keanu. You have specific threads with links to websites (that you must Google his name constantly to find) that critique Keanu in a negative light and then you attack those people as shallow minded, lazy, or whatever. That doesn't sound to me like you respect opinions.

I'm irked by the fact that I got linked on a Keanu Reeves website/forum & then you came onto my site calling me and another commenter lazy critics amongst other suggestive remarks. If you wanted to keep it to your forum, that's fine I wouldn't have said anything probably, but once you start commenting on my site in the manner you did, it becomes an issue and I will handle it accordingly. (and this mostly pertains to Seer and the other -- I've been mostly pleased with my interactions with Anakin)

2010-01-04 23:38

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Ah, so that's why your blog no longer wants to take my comments :).

Not a problem, it's apparently your blog, you're entitled to the last word I suppose ;).

However.. the blog is a public forum, when you open it up to responses, you'll likely get them, and unless you want to block them out (as I see you are capable of doing) you can't control them, so what's with the whining eh?

Anakin McFly
2010-01-04 23:42


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And I'm not making any statements of mine out to be more factual than your own.

The implication was made with your first comment on that post - that anyone who calls Keanu brilliant has to be being sarcastic.

In fact, it is you (with your website) that is making anyone who does not like Keanu feel like they are in the wrong.

That's partly a reaction; just about everywhere else, Keanu and his fans are constantly the target of ridicule, and so I guess this is a sort of backlash on our part.

You have specific threads with links to websites (that you must Google his name constantly to find)

There's this thing called Google News Alerts that provides both a newsfeed and/or hourly/daily/weekly e-mailed updates on a subject. It's very useful for keeping track of something, be it Keanu or current affairs or any other topic of interest. So every day I get a brief roundup of new mentions of Keanu on the net, usually around 10 or so - mostly irrelevant stuff that I skip - and many of them are from blogs; your site was one of those that popped up.

Regarding your reply on your site:

rummaging through the interwebs for people who make comments that don't coincide with your own opinions and then making blanket accusations

I guess it works both ways, and I'd say with about 100% certainty that there are far more blanket accusations being made against Keanu fans than against his critics. Time after time we have been declared unintelligent, lovesick ADHD morons who wouldn't know good acting if it hit them in the face, and it's about time we reacted. Our actions are negligible compared to the casual insults and jokes that have been sent our way.

When I'm watching a movie, I want to believe it as if it's real, I don't want to laugh at how fake it seems.

Sure, same here. The difference being that I don't find Keanu's acting to be fake; I actually find him a more naturalistic actor than many others. Most people I know in real life don't behave as dramatically as many Hollywood actors portray characters. There's an understated realness in much - admittedly not all, he's had some sucky performances - of Keanu's acting that I can relate to.

It's not because it's the cool thing to do or because he's the critics' whipping boy -- I didn't even know it was a big deal to hate on him until I read the premise of your website. It's just how I feel.

Okay. Similarly, I watched and enjoyed several Keanu films and never knew that so many people thought he was a bad actor, because he didn't stick out to me as worse than the others, and I'd been impressed by him at points (such as his ability to do comedy, which I had not expected since the first movie of his I saw was The Matrix and he was kind of serious in that.)

(I do know that I don't care if the guy is smart or a dumbass, monogamist or womanizer in life outside the movie, I care about the movie and the acting within, period so you can save the 160 IQ and does a great interview comments because that's all irrelevant as to how he displays himself on the silver screen).

True, but it was not irrelevant to the question of why we do what we do; I was just answering that.

Bobby B2010-01-04 23:49

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I didn't block your comments.

MY blog, however, is not an open forum, or free for all. I am allowed to moderate comments as I wish, similarly as your site you peruse here has a moderator/webmaster.

I'm not bothered by random commenters (unless they are spam) as much as I am with you commenting on my site and not facilitating discussion about the post at hand gearing it more toward fulfilling your own agenda, which clearly seems to be attacking anyone who doesn't love Keanu like you do.

Anakin McFly
2010-01-04 23:55


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and not facilitating discussion about the post at hand

It was Kris1 who first made the discussion about Keanu by saying "You lost me when you called Keanu Reeves brilliant. There are many things Keanu is, but brilliant is most definately not one of them."

And instead of ignoring it, you carried on that strain of discussion by saying

"@Kris1 I think, or at least I hope, Devin was being facetious when he called Keeanu brilliant. Keeanu is brilliantly awful. He's fun to laugh at."

So how are those comments more on-topic than ours?

which clearly seems to be attacking anyone who doesn't love Keanu like you do.

No, our agenda is to attack anyone who attacks Keanu. Not everyone needs to love him. Taking potshots at him just because they can is another matter altogether.
Bobby B2010-01-05 00:00

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The implication was made with your first comment on that post - that anyone who calls Keanu brilliant has to be being sarcastic.

The implication was made about Devin, my friend and the author of that post, because he often writes sarcastic posts (most of our stuff on D4L is for laughs). If you read our site regularly like most commenters do, I think that would have been better understood. Apologies for the misunderstanding there.

I guess it works both ways, and I'd say with about 100% certainty that there are far more blanket accusations being made against Keanu fans than against his critics. Time after time we have been declared unintelligent, lovesick ADHD morons who wouldn't know good acting if it hit them in the face, and it's about time we reacted. Our actions are negligible compared to the casual insults and jokes that have been sent our way.

The difference is I was actually accused by WINM readers (or it was suggested) that we were being lazy critics, morons, whatever. Meanwhile, not once did I call any of you those hateful things for being a fan of Keanu. My knee jerk response was that your website is a little obsessive, but I didn't call you unintelligent or ADHD morons. And I wouldn't even say obsessive is a bad thing since I'm more than comfortable saying my website is an obsession over sports (particularly Detroit sports). Either way, you can't treat me like I'm one of those people who have called you those things in the past. It's like not trusting a current girlfriend because your past gf cheated on you. It might be human nature, but it's not fair and doesn't make it right.

I agree with you or am ok leaving everything else you said as is. Pleasure speaking with you Anakin.

Anakin McFly
2010-01-05 00:06


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Apologies for the misunderstanding there.

All right.

Either way, you can't treat me like I'm one of those people who have called you those things in the past. It's like not trusting a current girlfriend because your past gf cheated on you. It might be human nature, but it's not fair and doesn't make it right.

Yeah, I agree, so sorry about that; especially since this is one of the things that has always bothered me about people regarding other issues, so I guess that was hypocritical on my part at least. It's just that I recently found this: and it kind of pissed me off, especially since the author is someone I've greatly admired for his other work. I guess some of the reaction from things like that - which pop up with extreme regularity - carries over to anyone else who criticises Keanu and/or his fans, because very often they do share similar sentiments. If you're not one of them, then that's great.
Bobby B2010-01-05 00:10

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No, our agenda is to attack anyone who attacks Keanu.

Therein lies the problem! I make a comment (to a friend no less) about Keanu's acting and you attack me personally? How is that right? I'm entitled to comment on Keanu's acting all I want -- it's not his personality I'm commenting on. I didn't say anything mean spirited about Keanu the person. But you looked at your little Google alert and got uber-defensive about a negative comment and attacked an individual for the VERY thing you THOUGHT he was doing... two wrongs don't make a right and if you would have understood the context of the conversation other than always having an agenda of going after people who speak poorly of Keanu (his acting or not) you would have understood I wasn't in the wrong because my opinion of his acting (it's awful to me) can't be wrong because it's merely an opinion.

2010-01-05 00:15

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Bobby what's the point here? You have no clue about me at all, how can you? Why are you assuming that my comments are personal to you? Go look at them again, my first post was in response to the comment about K's acting being a hot button topic, my second was giving you an explanation - which you asked for remember?

The article was naming top 10 sports oriented *movies*. I did not bring up Keanu's name, nor his acting abilities, but these were subjects contained within the thread. I simply responded to them. And you are taking this thing waaay too personally - just my opinion of course. Maybe I've been 'out here' among the internet sharks awhile longer, but I've learned to take nothing personally unless my name is actually attached to it. It's the internet ya know? No one 'knows' anyone out here, there's no reason to get personally upset, seeing personal attacks where there are none ;). I was not attacking you, I was aiming at all of the perceived cliched comments contained in the thread.

I was under the impression that since it was alright to comment unfavorably on the actor's acting abilities, it would be alright to comment appreciably on the same. But apparently not, my mistake, I apologize :).

Bobby B2010-01-05 00:21

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Yeah, I agree, so sorry about that; especially since this is one of the things that has always bothered me about people regarding other issues, so I guess that was hypocritical on my part at least. It's just that I recently found this: and it kind of pissed me off, especially since the author is someone I've greatly admired for his other work. I guess some of the reaction from things like that - which pop up with extreme regularity - carries over to anyone else who criticises Keanu and/or his fans, because very often they do share similar sentiments. If you're not one of them, then that's great.

Yeah, I'm not one of those people. I love movies and I tend to develop my own opinions when it comes to movies/actors and keep personalities out of it mainly because I don't know any of these people personally (Just think of Tiger Woods, who seemed like a great guy... not so great).

2010-01-05 01:06

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BobbyB, would you enlighten us, perhaps, with a more detailed description about what it is you dislike about Keanu's acting? Awful, you say. He sucks, you say. But what makes him awful, what makes him suck?

Anakin and Seer have described what they like about Keanu as an actor. Here's your chance to tell us what it is that makes him suck so exceptionally, in your opinion.

Coldly and carelessly bashing an actor, without any further explanation or apparent reason other than to put one's own idea of good acting above anyone else's, doesn't give anyone any positive impression of oneself. Anyone can slag someone behind their backs -- it doesn't take any cleverness or finesse. Just as you found out when you became the target of someone else's critique.

2010-01-05 01:37

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... there is a description of the sort, but on his blog, in the comments section.

... you know, there IS a reason why I personally leave the sport sites alone. They tend to have a Bateman quality about them ;)

Bobby B2010-01-05 02:32

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Do you like Huey Lewis and the news?

[looks at inkhuldra]

What the f**k is it with you? What don't you f**king understand? ...Give me a f**king answer. Ohhhhhh good for you. F**ks sake man you're amateur.

See ya folks, I'm sure I'll hear from you all again on my site since now I know what buttons to push ;-)

2010-01-05 02:52

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Do you like Huey Lewis and the news?

*raises eyebrow*
what's that supposed to mean ? ;)

not particularly.
30STM / Foo FIghters/ 3 Doors Down are my kind of music ;)

later edit : not that Bateman.
the Replacements one ;) :D

2010-01-05 04:54

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What the f**k is it with you? What don't you f**king understand? ...Give me a f**king answer. Ohhhhhh good for you. F**ks sake man you're amateur.

Guess he doesn't have any reason for the awful/suck thing that he's able to express. Whatever. Have a nice day.

Sorry, BobbyB, I don't think you'll hear from us again on your site. All the f***s really tell us all we want to know -- or don't want to know -- about your level of intelligence. How are your amobae parents, btw? Hope they're fine.

You're insignificant, though. Just another fish who doesn't know how to express himself beyond all the f***s. Sad.

Edit: Listening to Crowbar -- Through the Ashes (I've Watched You Burn). Truly awsome. I'm headbanging.

dotdotdot2010-01-05 05:59

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Dude this is mad annoying. I hate it when people do this. Why? This is the internet people it's not that serious. People talk so much trash over the internet and try to make it seem like they are so big and bad, when let's face it...if given the chance to tell Keanu (or whoever you don't like) that he sucked at acting, I'm almost positive that the people writing all these bad things over the internet wouldn't say one word. I know because I've seen it. Now if you don't like someone you don't have to say anything, just keep it moving. Because the person you don't like is still going to do their thing while you do yours. And in defense of Keanu, he must be doing something right. He keeps getting jobs, just about anyone who's worked with hims have positive things to say about him, and he's crazy paid. So suck on that!
2010-01-05 06:33

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Amen to that, Dotdotdot. The ground before Keanu's feet has been paved with admirers (fans, peers, directors, movie company execs) since the 80s, and it's still the same today. If that's him sucking, then I'm pretty sure that a substantial number of actors would just love to suck only half as much.

Oh, and BobbyB: I've met him. Twice. He's awesome. And he's also the sweetest and most patient guy imaginable.

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