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Bits and snippets off the web
Bobby B2010-01-05 11:16

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... All those (censored) "fucks" were from Christian Bale's rant... I thought LucaM was referring to Patrick Bateman from American Psycho, so I was making lighthearted comments from Bateman (do you like Huey Lewis and the news?) and Bale himself (him going off on some stage worker who interrupted one of his scenes ) to ease some tension. Sorry it didn't work for you and led you to your own personal rant that isn't quite as funny as Bale's (especially since my parents passed away years ago -- thanks for asking).

I'm glad Keanu is awesome, sweet, and patient. Like I've said before, I have no problem with Keanu the person (I don't know him so it'd be unfair for me to judge his personality) but I'm simply not a fan of his acting and I think it would behoove you as people who claim they respect opinions to just simply understand that and let it go rather than attacking people on websites that aren't your own.

2010-01-05 11:19

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Ya know what really puzzles me is that I made a point of mentioning that Devin did NOT do a formula review. I can't figure out for the life of me where this enmity is coming from, I can't honestly see where anything I said was personal vitriol directed at Bobby B :-/.

But if he did see my posts as a personal attack, woe to him should he cross paths with some of the real K fanatics ;).

Ah well. Tomorrow will be another day, it always is.

Bobby B2010-01-05 12:16

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@seer It's not so much the personal attacks as much as it is you coming to my website on behalf of this Reeves fansite and denouncing any of our negative opinions of him because you have preconceived notions of people who dislike Reeves' acting. You were trolling and, mixed in with what has ultimately become some real intelligent conversation about him and respecting people's opinions, we've gotten lost in the real issue and that is you shouldn't be going to unknown websites because someone uttered something as silly as "he sucks at acting" in the comment section of an otherwise lengthy, well thought out piece on movies (not Keeanu Reeves). If the post went off on a baseless, unintelligent diatribe then maybe come over and speak your mind since that would have been the purpose of the post. The purpose of the post was not about reeves and a couple comments between friends should not have elicited any comments from otherwise non-readers of D4L. Sooner you realize that, the sooner the internet becomes a better place, flushed of trolls.
Anakin McFly
2010-01-05 12:24


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and that is you shouldn't be going to unknown websites because someone uttered something as silly as "he sucks at acting" in the comment section of an otherwise lengthy, well thought out piece on movies (not Keeanu Reeves).

I'd have to disagree there, though, because I'm all for freedom of speech regardless of how off-topic it might be. I always welcome discussion, e.g. that time when someone attacked the HTML coding of a previous incarnation of this site and we had a conversation in which Keanu was never mentioned.
2010-01-05 14:16

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One question : I do not know you nor the author of the piece, how was I to know that the 'conversation' was between friends? Look, the site is a blog site, the article was an opinion piece and gave space for commentary by readers. I read the piece and the commentary and simply responded to what I saw. I'm afraid your definition of trolling and mine are rather distant from one another.

But I'm dropping out of this 'discussion', you're not hearing anything I say and I respect Ani's site too much to continue a lose-lose conversation.

Go in peace Bobby B :).

Bobby B2010-01-05 18:09

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One question : I do not know you nor the author of the piece, how was I to know that the 'conversation' was between friends? Look, the site is a blog site, the article was an opinion piece and gave space for commentary by readers. I read the piece and the commentary and simply responded to what I saw. I'm afraid your definition of trolling and mine are rather distant from one another.

But I'm dropping out of this 'discussion', you're not hearing anything I say and I respect Ani's site too much to continue a lose-lose conversation.

Go in peace Bobby B :).

You're going to ask me a question, implicitly insult me, and then tell me to go in peace, adding a smiley face, either to further egg me on or hope it makes every contradicting thing you said before OK? Please do drop out of the discussion... I'd rather talk to your webmaster anyway.

Anakin, while I'm not happy about the way our site was discovered (and commented on -- mostly assuming we were thoughtless hacks) you're right, freedom of speech and what not. I respect what you're doing here and wish you, your readers, and Keanu Reeves, well. Take care

2010-01-14 05:13

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This is from, a forum I've never been to before. Not much of interest, but this I just had to pass on to you:

From: lindzardz
2010-01-12 03:04 am UTC (link)

i just came here to share that hella years back when keanu was filming the matrix he took computer classes where my dad took them at some adult education school. my dad came home one day and we were watching E! news or something and keanu came on and he was casually all "oh i take computer classes with that guy, he's pretty nice." and im like WAAATTTTT!?!? and my dad was like, yeah, he's been filming some movie or something and he likes to stay up on his"education" when he has a break during filming........yeah i dunno either- but i was seriously jealous of my pops for a few months. him and keanu always sat next to each other and chit chatted. super cute.

I totally LOLd when I read this. He took computer classes?? At an adult education school?? Ahahahahaha! Just like him to learn how to use a computer as research for a movie, rather than learning it from friends because he wants to go online like everyone else. I wonder if he feels like he "gets" computers now, or if he just views them as a semi-necessary evil.

Edit: And something completely different, but still worth mentioning: A site listing a number of movies that Keanu *didn't* star in:

2010-01-18 00:14

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Just found this very interesting snippie:

Posted: 5:00 AM, January 6, 2007
Richard Johnson with Paula Froelich and Bill Hoffmann

THE new James Bond is a closet feminist. Daniel Craig, the latest Agent 007, told London's Observer he considers Judi Dench, who portrays his boss M, his role model. "Bond is a sexist pig, of course he is," Craig says. "But having Judi in the film, well, it doesn't forgive it, but it gives it gravity. Because how could Judi Dench be wrong?" He adds that in "Casino Royale," he wanted to have her bedding a young stud: "I was desperate to get someone in like Brad Pitt or Keanu Reeves to do it."

LOL! I'd have loved it if they'd got Keanu for that little cameo... :-D


And here's a funny little snippet about celebrity mug shots with a stylist's view on how to make those shots work for you (i.e. the celeb). She lists helpful do's and don'ts for a number of celeb mug shots, and it seems like Keanu's came out very well indeed:

Posted: 12:00 AM, August 3, 2006

OH, the passion of Mel Gibson's mug shot.

The eyes! The hair!

The chin down, face forward, barely parted smile that seems to whisper, "I have a secret!" or perhaps, "I'm pretty sure I just committed career suicide!"

Mel, Mel, Mel, do you mind if we call you sugar lips, Mel?

Booked under the harsh glare of the lights within the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, this 50-year-old hatemongering, blonde-loving, Aramaiclanguagereviving director may have done just about everything wrong that crazy 0.12 blood-alcohollevel fueled night.

But let's give credit where credit is due. The man gives good mug shot.

As any fan of either Nick Nolte or Hawaiian shirts can tell you, this is much harder than it looks.

"The first thing you have to do is make really good eye contact with the camera and keep that rebellious feeling," says fashion maven Finola Hughes, the host of "How Do I Look?" on the Style Network. "Mel is very engaged in the camera, so he looks really charming - he's owning it." But dreamy mug shots aren't just for slur-spewing stars from Down Under. With a little help from Hughes (see do's and don'ts), anyone can take that perfect pic that says, "Oh I'm guilty - guilty of looking fabulous!"

Be practical, she says. If you think you might get into trouble, why not carry a spare top (basic black for women, a smart collared shirt for men)? Self-care is selfbeauty, so take a deep breath, pinch your cheeks for color and for the love of all that is sacred, blotting tissues never hurt anyone.

Last but not least, she adds, don't forget that the most important preparation often occurs long before reaching the booking station.

"If you haven't insulted the arresting female officer," Hughes says helpfully, "you might want to ask if you can borrow her comb."

Mel Gibson, actor

Do: "I like the curl on his forehead because it looks like he didn't try very hard."
Don't: "I don't love the shirt."

Nick Nolte, actor

Do: "There is no do."
Don't: "The shirt is too Tommy Bahama. The hair needs to be tamed."

Christian Slater, actor

Do: "His hair is disheveled just enough."
Don't: "Letterman jackets are not very fashionable."

May Andersen, supermodel

Do: "The uneven part works because it's very fashionable. "
Don't: "She might have tried to look a little friendlier."

Keanu Reeves, actor

Do: "He looks so handsome. His haircut is perfect and he has the right amount of facial hair."
Don't: "I'm at a loss. This is a good picture."

Tom DeLay, ex-congressman

Do: "He looks very well put together."
Don't: "I might not have smiled so broadly. I might have contained my glee. He looks a little bit pleased with himself."

Chris Klein, actor

Do: "Nice gray T-shirt, very tasteful. Perfect eye contact."
Don't: "He might have run his fingers through his hair at the last minute."

2010-01-21 19:56

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2010-01-22 00:13

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Thanx LucaM, I like both the article and the many positive comments. :-)
2010-01-22 00:52

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there is a certain Keanu love out there on the internet. :D
you know, in a twisted way, the more some reviewers will bash him, the more some people will root for him, just because ;)
reverse psychology, I guess ;) :D
so... yeah ;)
2010-01-22 23:07

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Snipped from an article about Indian actor Purru Raaj Kumarr, where the journalist tries to describe the qualities that set him apart (using Valentino, Keanu and Cary Grant as examples):

"Puruu [...] exhibited this fascinating quality I tried to get a handle on [...]. The man is not only kind, but articulate and intelligent, but there is something more – my partner called it charisma. The most notable example of this is not necessarily that Puruu is handsome, but that when in frame with other actors, they and the scenery appear to disappear. As I said, Valentino had this rare quality, so too (as my partner Mihaela suggest) does Keanu Reeves. Cary Grant? Perhaps a good comparison too.
[...] it is the audience overall who determines if these latent qualities of charisma, or even talent and kindness [...] are worthy."

No other Keanu content in the article, but I thought it was read-worthy anyway. :-)

Anakin McFly
2010-01-22 23:55


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you know, in a twisted way, the more some reviewers will bash him, the more some people will root for him, just because ;)

Yeah, it works for me at least. Nothing like fish to strengthen my allegiance to The Anu.

Anakin McFly
2010-01-23 23:20


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Okay what is this.

2010-01-24 00:49

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that is an idiot trying to get traffic on his site.

Anakin McFly
2010-01-24 10:42


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Good point. He also posted this:


2010-01-24 11:44

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Well, he's a double idiot then!
2010-01-24 18:22

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Some people just seem to get off on destroying other peoples lives.
I am dropping this piece of shyte in the same water closet as the Sala womans claims
2010-01-28 01:40

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Constantine had the cool and likable Keanu Reeves as its hero [...]

... I just had to post that. my apologies ;)

PS - and no, haven't seen Legion . not yet.

2010-02-08 15:32

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Apparently Toyota needs Keanu:

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