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Bits and snippets off the web
2015-05-01 19:23:24

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I would also include Little Buddha.
2015-05-02 16:08:30

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And he also saved some 'single' lives like in Speed.
2015-05-02 16:26:40

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Keanu's house in a movie before Keanu has bought it.
2015-05-04 22:48:22

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there's also this:

which doesn't appear to be a translation from Klingon, but makes no sense in English at all. bizarre!

2015-05-08 01:26:27

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That's from the IMDB and I wonder when it will be possible to watch all:
2016 Rain (TV Mini-Series) (announced)
John Wick 2 (announced)
2016 The Bad Batch (pre-production)
2015 Replicas (pre-production)
2016 The Neon Demon (filming)
2015 Daughter of God (post-production)
2015 The Whole Truth (post-production)
2015 Knock Knock

2015-05-11 22:29:24

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At the end of this interview Keanu explains the 'Sad Keanu' meme. It made my day. He is brilliant.
Anakin McFly
2015-05-12 11:35:04


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...omg. XD
2015-05-13 01:24:31

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I can't open the link :/ Could you post it again, please?
Anakin McFly
2015-05-13 09:40:13


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Weird; works for me. What happens when you click on it?
2015-05-13 14:10:51

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When I click the link it sends me to
But I can open it when I copy this url address, open new tab and paste it there.
Anakin McFly
2015-05-13 17:34:21


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Fixed a thing; try again?
2015-05-15 02:39:24

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I saw somethings that allowed a small window into the minds on the internet. Some of the internet thinks Keanu Reeves is racist. I don't think he is. This is all based off of that seat Reeves gave up on the subway

"Keanu Reeves and the Art of Polite Racism
You ever been on public transportation and feel uncomfortable while sitting next to a person of a certain race/faith/sex? Well allow Keanu Reeves show you how to turn your own prejudice into instant good karma."

Some comments are here.

2015-05-15 02:59:35

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@Anakin & Freya, yes I managed to open it. Thanks! :)
@Silver, some people have too much time on their hands
and end up coming up with such nonsense.
2015-05-15 03:01:36

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OK, let's put a stop to this nonsense right now. Perhaps, as you say, yours was merely a comment on ("some" = .000001%) of the internet. However, 99.999% of the crap about why Keanu "really" gave up his seat is horseshit from @IanNoFool about whom there is an entire thread in the Fishing section.

I don't see "some comments" in the second link - I see ONE comment.

There is not, nor has there ever been, any "evidence" that Keanu is (I'm getting so angry here) a racist. Or a cad. Or a jerk.

There is nigh-unto-infinity evidence of him being a generous, kind, compassionate person (and some of that evidence is MY personal experience AND that of other people here). Look at ALL the pictures recently of him with folks near his movie shoot.

I get that stirring things up is a game for some. Yeah, if that's what people need to do for excitement, swell. However, doing it at the direct expense of a person that WE really like, who gives every indication of being a true sweetheart, yeah, that pisses me off.

Or maybe you didn't mean this as a criticism of Keanu.

2015-05-15 03:11:59

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Oh yeah, just got the first link to open. That's repulsive. To view a kind act as [sp] "polite racism" (excuse the hell out of me?) is beyond disgusting. What if someone not famous had done it? Jesus. and I don't say that lightly.

Oh, and the gossip hay that can be made with this!
"there was a gray-haired heavyset woman on the same train - he didn't give up his seat for HER!"
"there was a [insert marginalized person here] and he did or didn't get up for them!!! that proves it!!!"

Multiple expletives deleted.

2015-05-15 03:38:19

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And oh yeah, anybody here who has no bias whatsoever about racism and who believes it's no kind of issue in your own life - as Harry would say "give me you goddam shoe!" why? "I wannna kiss the ground you walk on!"

What the...

2015-05-15 05:44:08

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Yeah. I just thought it was interesting how some people can take on thing and turn it into another. Racism gets me really angry, but now-a-days what gets me angry is people doing stuff like this when there are real crimes of discrimination happening out there. Could you imagine the type of impact the people would make if they took those same numbers and put them towards something that is actually racist? I don't think people get what power they have, if they just use it properly. As I said before I don't, and didn't, think Reeves was racist. He seems like a chill guy. If he were, that cell phone video wouldn't prove it either.
2015-05-15 08:34:16

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Thanks, Silver. Exactly my thoughts. And a terribly incendiary thing to say now of all times! There were even Tea Party tweets about this video that said "feminists will be enraged" - well, not this feminist. The only correct response to - dare I say it? - chivalry is "thank you."
Anakin McFly
2015-05-15 09:44:08


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Lots of actually-racist comments on that first link, though. :/ But as for Keanu:

From 2008:

After his American father abandoned the family, Reeves' mom took them to Australia and New York before settling in Ontario, where young Keanu went through three stepfathers and four high schools. But that unsettled childhood also exposed him to many different types of people and lifestyles. So much so that, when he encountered prejudice for the first time, he didn't know what to make of it. "I remember when I went to one high school, there were these racial and class issues and I was like, 'What? What is that?'" he recalls. "So I really am glad to have the kind of perspective, especially coming from my youth and growing up with it, that didn't include that. Racism is weird." Sounds a little naive; but then, can there be a better attitude for any human being to have?

2015-05-15 18:17:18

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I suspect he'd have a different reaction now, but I find the very naivete of "racism is weird" kind of charming.

All of the crap that a literal handful of people have said about Keanu is pretty absurd. Is he perfect? Of course not (except that, yeah, he's Keanu and SIGH).
I really wish he wouldn't smoke, but it's his life, his choice.
I think he can be hard on himself, and I wish he wouldn't be, but again, his life, his choice.
I expect that he's demanding as an artist - but so am I, and it's not usually a fault.
He's a human being, as are celebrities. I've never heard a story of him being flat-out mean - never in 20+ years. That's pretty astonishing. I think I was probably mean at some point yesterday.

Beyond being furious about the crap like that, I am just baffled, perplexed and astounded by people who spend time doing that. Fool? Ardith? What the heck IS that?

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